Wednesday, May 06, 2009

during hiding hours

She likes to hide in the library and walk down the aisles. The books stare back at her, with dust covering their dust jackets. The classics, they're all here. She finds a seat in a corner with a random copy pulled from the shelf. Proust.

In a short distance, away, she hears quiet voices. Two girls are sitting with a guy. She always assumed in situations like these, the guy must be a boyfriend one of them. The trio laughed and giggled while they stared at a laptop screen. Youtube videos.

The guy began to talk about his band, they had an upcoming gig. The girls didn't know where the exact location was to the event, until he mentioned a restaurant in the vicinity of the landmark.

Why the restaurant? One girl asked.

Because that is where I take all of my dates. He said.

She knew the restaurant very well. With its white linen tables and lovingly prepared food from the Mediterranean. She realized, at this point, it has been too long since she has been on a date and began to feel jealous of the girls who were tucked in corner booths being talked up and sweetened up with cute words and fine food.

It has also been too long, since she's tasted Mediterranean food.


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